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Tasmanian tourism opens for development after award winning in Melbourne


The government aims to develop Tasmanian World Heritage Area after last week's winning at the Australian Tourism Awards

Pumphouse Point eco-tourism hotel in the Wilderness World Heritage Area of Tasmania won Australian Tourism Awards' Best New Tourism Business prize on last Friday.

The success boosted country officials' confidence in the future development of national parks and World Heritage Area, as the State Government aims to initiate tourism projects for Tasmanian ecological and environmental hot-spots as part of the national tourism industry considered to be vital for the country's economic status.

Awards in Melbourne recognised 6 Tasmanian tourism businesses for 19 of the award categories.

Premier Will Hodgman declared:

"This industry employs so many people, it grows our economy, most importantly it projects what's magnificent about our state to the rest of the world and Tasmania is very much a must-see destination, we're on the top of people's to-do list.

"I think Tasmanians can have confidence given the recognition we got. We do eco-tourism, environmental tourism, better than anywhere else.

"We were very bold coming into government, saying let's use our natural assets sensibly and sensitively.

"You get no better group of people who understand the value of our natural environment than our tourism operators."

Nevertheless, Simon Currant, owner of Pumphouse Point hotel on Tasmania's Lake St Clair, won the prize after 20 years since he implemented the business.

"In spite of all the opposition, it's now been proven that providing places where people can experience our incredible wilderness is a key issue for our state," he commented.

For the future, the officials goal is to boost foreign visitor numbers to 1.5 million a year by 2020.

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